
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Overwhelmed...(and in pain)

I can think about very little at the moment, besides the fact that I feel like my arms are about to fall right off of my body. After work today, I headed straight to my studio where I'm working on my sculpture and hammered and chiseled for something like 6 straight hours. So, although I got let out a couple hours early from work, I had one of the longest days of my life.

Although, I'm not complaining at all. As most of you know, I'm more "artsy" than anything else...whether it be music or writing or drawing or painting, and now, sculpting. I hope the outcome is worth the incredible amount of effort I am putting into it! My arms were so dead, that it was an effort just to pick up this crummy laptop and place it on my lap, and an even greater effort to type this right now.

Ok enough about my arms. As it turns out, it seems as though I will be down south a little longer than expected. I was hoping to return to New Jersey around the 12th of August so I could make it in time for Surya and Jyothi's birthday (and possible plan something for them) and make it to the India-day parade for independence day, etc. But, as luck would have it, my parents want to go to Dallas and St. Louis, Missouri (God only knows why) I probably won't be able to hang out with anyone before ya'll go off to school. Sad :o(

In other thoughts...

Have any of you ever felt as though whatever you do is just not good enough? I feel like I have pressure from too many ends, and even moreso, from myself. And I feel sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I'M not even happy with my accomplishments, so then, how can anyone else be happy with them?

I know, I know, it's a silly thought...but I know it happens to me, and to everyone else, more often than we would sometimes like to accept. I think a lot of us put so much pressure on ourselves that our best isn't even good enough for then is it really our best? Shouldn't our best be something that we are satisfied with?

Gosh haha, I think my head is too muddled up right now and heck, I'm just in wayyy too much pain to think anymore haha.

That's all for now; I'll update this later :o)


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