
Monday, June 18, 2007

Duke lacrosse prosecutor disbarred

District Attorney Mike Nifong violated more than a dozen ethics rules in prosecuting the case against three Duke lacrosse players. The three students, Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and Dave Evans, were accused of sexually assaulting an escort-service dancer at a party in March 2006.

This hit closer to home for my brother than it may have for most people. One of the students had attended the same high school as my brother, and was just one year his senior. My brother was acquainted with him, and from the first day this case started back in March of 2006, had vehemently opposed it and knew so surely that at least that particular student was innocent.

Two DNA tests found no match between any of the three men and evidence in the case, but Nifong, who was up for re-election as district attorney at the time, pursued the prosecution anyway.

Disciplinary committee chairman F. Lane Williamson said that racially inflammatory remarks Nifong made last year "were to further his political ambition." The three athletes are white, and their accuser is black. Nifong was re-elected in November.

The bar committee found Nifong lied to the judge in the rape case about whether he knew of any evidence that would exonerate the defendants.

Nifong told the court on Friday that he would resign as district attorney regardless of what the committee decided. In any event, Nifong has now been permanently disbarred.

If you ask me, he deserves that completely. Knowing that the students were innocent, and lying to the judge when requested to come forth with anything that would prove the students were innocent is not ethical especially when it is crucial as a part of your job to go by these certain rules.

It's ironic. Practicing law, then making such big mistakes as someone in the position of district attorney, enough to get disbarred.

I guess that's why they call it 'practicing'.


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