
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Random blabber...

After four weeks of strenuous hard labor, about a few hours everyday, some days even more than that, I have FINALLY finished my sculpture of Mahalakshmi, paint and all. And I have to admit, not bad at all for a) the timeframe I had available to me (since 4 weeks is the longest period of time I had access to the studio), and b) for my first time sculpting ever. I'll post a picture whenever I take one.

I'm still in pain, but it was welllll worth it :o)

I thought it was the funniest thing when just two days ago, my mother happened to walk over to me and say "Smrithi, don't do anything anymore because you think it will please me. Just do what it takes to please yourself and make yourself happy." Then, today, she starts yelling at me that I didn't do this the way she wanted or that the way she wanted, or I never apologized for this, and I haven't done's so great that nothing she says adds up. It's so hypocritical to tell me not to do things just to please her, but then to still demand so much out of me. It's fine if she wants to demand all that, be my guest. But don't tell me just before that to specifically not worry about what she wants, but do what I want. Man, I was really counting on that to be the end of her screaming at me! I guess not haha.

It just hit me that it's already into the first week of August. Summer's almost gone? Already? That's pretty insane! It's scary sometimes how quickly time don't realize it sometimes until it has all passed, and then you can't go back and do all those things you wanted to get done by the time you realized all that time has passed...make sense? haha.

Hmm...what else...

TWO days till Raghuveer, Rasika and Viji Aunty are back on the same continent as I am haha
TEN days till Surya and Jyothi turn 19!! (and also Pakistan's Independence day)
ELEVEN days till India's Independence day
GOD KNOWS HOW MANY days till I come back to the parents just keep making this south trip longer and longer with all the places they want to visit after I finish work and my brother finishes research...blahhhhhh

Speaking of the northeast, that reminded me of something I noticed...up north, folks don't give two cents about each other; the only thing that's important is your own well-being and that's it. Down south, I've met some of the friendliest people I've come across in my whole life! For the first time, I found people willing and ready to help me with whatever I needed without expecting a thing back. And that's not just one or two people; that's a HELLUVA lot of people...almost everyone I've met down here so far. And I'm not talking about just small little favors here and there...I'm talking about things that would take hours of committment. I had four people offer to drive my sculpture home for me and set it up in my apartment here because it was too heavy. One of those people is a working, going to school, has two kids, and keeps house at the same time. The second person is also married, working and going to school, and has a newborn at home to deal with. The third person is a doctor who is constantly on call. The fourth person is 21, goes to school during the day, works all night, sleeps just a couple hours a day, and has no time for anything else. All four of these people have NO time in any of their schedules for anything, but are ready and willing without hesitating ONCE to help me with my sculpture. I was dumbfounded! Who does that up north?! I've never met one person, that's for sure. And that's not the only thing...if I started on all the things they helped me out with, I'd never stop. Really friendly people :o)

Ok, enough of my blabbering haha. Time to head back to work! Adios ya'll!


Blogger Kashaf said...

Hey, there are still a few people left in the Northeast who devote time out of their busy schedules to help their friends.

5/8/05 12:33 AM  
Blogger Writer Through Life... said...

lol...that maybe so, but down here, I haven't found one person who ISN'T ready to devote that much time...I gotta say, up north, it's more of people who don't have time to help rather than those who do...~Smrithi~

5/8/05 7:28 AM  

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