
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

So, it's February 14th. Valentine's Day. Honestly, I think the day is completely unnecessary and a whole bunch of bogus. No, I'm not a bitter, single woman saying that. My opinion on the day wouldn't change even if I was married.

Think about the "idea" of the day. Couples plan for days, maybe even weeks to surprise their sweethearts/loved ones with gifts and undivided attention for one day. One day. One day out of 365 days in a year. Does anyone else find that pretty ridiculous?

Seriously, you shouldn't have to go out of your way on one designated day to say "I love you" to someone. It all seems sort of silly. I feel the exact same way about Father's Day or Mother's Day for example. It's like saying, "Mom, dad, thanks for everything you've done for me all my life. I'm going to honour your role as my mother/father on this one day by purchasing a cheap gift that happened to be part of the Mother's Day/Father's Day sale at the mall because that's how thankful I am to you." Honestly, it seems pretty ridiculous.

And with that, Happy Valentine's Day.


Blogger Jayashree said...

I agree that the whole commercilization (is that a word? lol) of these holidays has gotten outa control. But ! I look at it this way... Ya, love should not be celebrated only ONE day out of the entire year. I agree with you on that.

BUT! then you should be against all holidays all together. I mean, Birthdays... why should we celebrate the birth of someone we love once a year... or Christmas... or Deepavali.. or Vinayaga Chathurthi...whatever it is...

By practice, everyday should be acknowledged for loved ones, friends, mom/dad, religious, national, etc.

BUT its nice to give one day to celebrate something specific.

So ya, Valentines is all commercial and everything. but no matter what hallmark writes on a card for you, the feeling of celebrating love is great.

If not that, hey! heres to chocolate covered strawberries and champagne. lol

And ya, Happy Valentine's Day!

14/2/07 2:53 PM  
Blogger Writer Through Life... said...

Well, I'm not big on birthdays either...I can't comment on religious holidays because those are significant to many people for various reasons. In any event, birthdays are in celebration of a significant thing that happened that day. Religious holidays are representative of specific things in a particular religion. A holiday to celebrate your love though? I think it's silly because it isn't like February 14th specifies anything significant that happened only on that day.

14/2/07 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually its not like saying "Mom, dad, thanks... you", its more like:

Manager 1: We need to sell more cards, I will not have Hallmark run out of bussiness like this
Manager 2: if only there were more holidays.. Lets dedicate days to moms, dads, and couples, and sell cards designed for that day

no really.. Valentine's day was a Hallmark idea as a way to sell more cards..

16/2/07 7:55 PM  
Blogger Writer Through Life... said...

Yeah, pretty much. It's all about commercialization. These holidays are catered to benefit Hallmark and other "gift-selling" businesses.

16/2/07 7:58 PM  

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