
Friday, September 14, 2007

Private & Personal

I've gone back to keeping a personal diary. I used to do that as a young girl and actually, even in high school. It was almost always the only outlet I had. Things that I was so upset about, things that made me incredibly happy, incidents that occurred which made me think about things I didn't feel comfortable sharing with a single soul, my deepest and most personal thoughts - all of this went into my diary, and at the end of it, I would feel better. Letting it all out, good or bad, sharing it in some way or another, really helped me. It was the one place I could say whatever I wanted and know with 100% certainty that I would not be judged. Not that it matters, but it's, at least for me, naturally a more comfortable feeling to be able to keep things to yourself yet let it out at the same time.

Of course, I will continue blogging in reference to general topics and news events, just like I have always done.

It does feel good to go back to my diary though. I know that going back and reading some of what I wrote when I was younger was painful, but I also know how much it helped me then. I'm sure it will be the same way now.

Writing has always been one of my biggest outlets, and I think it will continue to be so.

I think that keeping this diary is going to keep me happy. Happier. Nobody else is going to be there more for you than yourself. I've been forced to realise that time and time again. This is just a component to helping me accomplish that, because it's what I'm most familiar with.

In the end, I'll be okay. I always have been, and I always will be. There is nothing I am more sure of than I am of that.


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