
Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Andddd guess who's getting sick...AGAIN? Yes, not like a 102 degree fever was enough, now I need to get sick all over again. I think it's the stress. I really need to take some stress-management classes or something. I let too much pressure mount up, which pushes me further and further down. Has that ever happened to any of you? I'm sure it has.

Plus this week has just been ridiculous, with a lot of unnecessary junk which certainly added to the stress. But yay for me, I decided it's not worth my time. So that's one thing off my chest haha.

Well, the only thing that has been occupying my time and my mind lately, is my book (of course), which is near completion! Well, the first draft that is. Then I have to go through a long editing process (which Jyotsna Sreenivasan, a very well-known adult and children's books author, warned me may take as long as the writing process did)...I hope that is not the case! And then I have to work on finding a literary agent, and then a publisher, and goodness! My head spins just thinking about all the work I have ahead of me.

As I simultaneously work on publishing the book in paper form, we will be going ahead into pre-production of the movie! I'm quite excited about that - yet that too, has an overwhelming amount of work that goes with it. We will have to transform the entire book into lots and lots of dialogue...basically, turn it into a script. The we have to get the right actors/actresses (I have a couple of people in mind as I am writing the actual book, who's acting style and personalities I feel would definitely fit certain characters - but of course, they have to agree to act! So we'll see...). Then of course, working with cast and crew. Rehearsing. Finding a filming venue. Filming. Composing the music. Conducting music rehearsals with our three main musicians. Recording in a studio. Creating the soundtrack. Placing the music score strategically in the movie. Then comes the PR. Marketing/promoting the movie. Oh god, I know I'm missing so many things too, I don't even know what else this entire project entails.

It is so daunting sometimes when I sit down and really THINK about it. I pray everyday that the entire project comes out all right. And I do have faith; I know I will be fine, and I know I will come out of this successfully.

A quick note before I end this entry: If you are interested, I would appreciate whole-heartedly if you went to my website and signed up to be on my mailing list. It really would mean the world to me, so if you have a minute, please do so! I'd appreciate it =)

It's time to eat something because I need some energy!!! Till next time, ciao!


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