
Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The air is thick and humid, and the heat itches against my skin. Not more than a slight breeze of semi-cool air whispers through the rich, green leaves. I am surrounded on all sides by trees, who's branches provide me with shade from the full, scorching sun. Not a single cloud shown in the sky, which is as blue as the little bluebird which chirps outside my window every morning. Every now and then, I see a crow flying through the little cracks in between the branches of the tall, massive, towering trees. The crows soar through the clear, endless sky, free as the wind which blows through my hair on a summer evening. Not a disturbing sound threatens the serenity and the beauty of the nature, by which I am engulfed.

To the right of me, a tall fountain gushes water high into the air, which rushes swiftly downward, giving me a liberated feeling. I close my eyes and breathe in the crispness of the air. The chirping of crickets remind me how free-spirited nature can be, doing what it pleases, and providing the world with a sense of mystery and adventure. I look down at the ground beneath me, to find a walkway of pebbles embedded in cement; beige, maroon, brown and white, tiny like a peanut, yet some as large as a toenail. Tiny ants, as small as maybe a few grains of salt, scurry along their little pathways, perhaps in search of food, or maybe, just wondering what this giant of a person (to them at least) was sitting here for.

I turn behind me to find an array of beautiful plants arranged neatly behind the tiny stone wall I sit atop. Each leaf is so intricate; although the base was green, symmetrical patterns of white, pink and red seemed almost as though they had been painted on, since they were almost too perfectly symmetrical.

To the left of me, a glistening caught my eye; a spider web has been woven in the center of four bushes. I found myself wondering how a spider could have structured something so unique and mathematically intricate!

I lift my head upwards and stare intently at the height of the trees in front of me. Green fungus-like moss had grown on some of the trunks, except, it wasn't a rich green like the color of grass, but rather, more of a turquoise green that you might imagine when thinking about seaweed in an ocean.

As I close my eyes one more time, I tilt my head towards the sun, drink it in, and smile.

How many of you have taken just 15 minutes out of your busy lives or out of just one day in your entire week, to step out of your homes or offices or apartments or dorms, and just sat still and observed nature working around you? I am sure not many of you have let such a thought cross your mind. Take just 15 minutes and go outside. Allow yourself to forget all the troubles opposing you in life; even if you have no blaring problems, stop constantly thinking about what needs to be done next. There are too many priceless and invaluable treasures around us, that most of us pay no attention to. Live in the moment. Enjoy it. Treasure it.


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