
Friday, June 23, 2006


It's amazing how quickly people can start and spread rumors. Just over the past few days, I have heard so much about so many people, most of whom I know are very good people. Heck, I've even heard rumors about myself!

It seems as though the average man can't survive without rumors, which honestly, is disturbing. In order to forget about their own weaknesses, distress, etc., they resort to finding fault [or fabricating faults] with others, even sometimes those who are in positions better than theirs [though this does not always have to be the case].

Why do people do this? To forget their own weaknesses as I mentioned perhaps. Or perhaps they dislike the person who the rumor is about, are jealous of the person, etc.

There is barely enough time during the day to tend to our own needs/wants/etc. So why spend time on other people's [most probably exaggerated and fabricated] lives? The funniest part of it all, is that once one person says something, others seem to believe it to be the truth and spread the same lie, sometimes adding something else to it that wasn't there before. So by the time the rumor has been worn out and spread, it is entirely different from what it started out as.

Rumors don't really bother me personally because when I hear something about someone else, I don't pay attention to it without hearing something from that individual, and when I hear something about myself, well I'm fairly confident that those who know me well enough wouldn't believe them without coming to me first and asking me about it, instead of talking behind my back and spreading the rumor further.

Ah, rumors...they're more humorous to me than anything else.


Blogger Mumbai Monsoon said...

I love rumors, especially when I'm involved. It makes me feel special and wanted. It confirms my very existance. Sigh... I wonder how many people are thinking of me this very second ?? :-)

24/6/06 10:20 PM  
Blogger Writer Through Life... said...

hahaha you I said, I knew being your friend would some day pay off :-P hahaha.

25/6/06 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol rumors are all BS. dumb. ur right, ppl just start silly things about other people for no darn reason...

25/6/06 5:29 PM  

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