
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drunk Driving...and the logic is...?

Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes, and nonfatally injure someone every 2 minutes. Do you realize how scary that is? Unfortunately, deaths due to drunk driving are the leading cause of death in the United States.

In spite of all the warnings, public awareness and educational programs, stricter penalties for violations, and efforts by law enforcement agencies across the nation to be more visible and diligent in protecting the highways, people will still make the decision to get behind the wheel of their vehicles while intoxicated. And the logic in this is...?

All 50 states and the District of Columbia have per se laws defining it as a crime to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above a proscribed level of 0.08 percent. But honestly, how much do these laws matter? Obviously not enough since over 40% of all highway related deaths are due to drunk driving. That is a ridiculously high percentage.

It frustrates me to no end when I read things such as the "fact" that automatic license revocation appears to be the single most effective measure to reduce drunk driving. Nothing is effective if IT IS STILL SO PREVALENT. And then to read that automatic license revocation along with a mandatory jail sentence appears to be even more effective than just automatic license revocation angers me even more. How does any of this matter? Great, so it stops some people from getting behind the wheel drunk. But what about the hundreds of thousands of people who don't stop? What about all the lives that are lost due to wreckless drunk driving? Does a license revocation and a jail sentence do justice to the possible loss of an innocent life or lives?

I'm someone who lives my life by logic. If it doesn't make sense to me, I will not accept it. Getting behind the wheel and driving when you have no control over your mind or your body is not in any way a logical, decent, or intelligent decision. How can one be so irresponsible that he/she can risk the well-being of himself/herself and others through his/her poor judgement and incapability of handling alcohol (and getting behind the wheel while intoxicated for that matter)? I can never understand this.

::R.I.P. AD *~* forever in my heart::


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