
Friday, February 17, 2006

More about nothing

So I actually did have a blog post written up on valentine's day, but then my computer crashed. So I lost it. And I was too lazy to re-type it, hence, the few-days-late post :-). Anyway, so happy belated valentine's day to all those who I was unable to wish on February 14th.

Hm, what else. Lately, I've been loving technology. Well, at least one part of it. Skype. Quality of voice chat is amazing. I talk to my relatives in India everyday! For free! Honestly, what can be better than that? Ok, so I got lucky in the sense that I have relatives and grandmas who are "technology-saavy" and actually understand how to use these programs too. But it's really great. Last weekend, I had a conference-chat with my paati (grandmother) on my mom's side, and my mom. It was so much fun =)

The weather today was CRAZY. It started off sunny. Then, here I am sitting in class and in a matter of 30 seconds, it got pitch black and hail started pouring down. The windows shook so much that I was certain, as was the rest of the class, that the windows were going to break! Then I was heading to the DCC around 11:55, and the wind was SO strong, that it actually toppled me over and I fell backwards. If anyone had seen me, it must have been a hilarious sight. I was fighting so hard against the wind just to get half-way across campus. Pathetic. Then of course I had my hair practically whiplashing my face to the point that I got so annoyed, I decided it would be better to shave it off. But, then again, that might not be the best decision to take.

So after pulling an all-nighter last night, I'm debating whether or not to take a nap. It would probably be a good idea. I'll either do that or go and write. I feel like writing now. Either writing or making another oil pastel. Maybe I should take out my water colors and try those out? I should probably get started on the immense amount of work I have to do by the end of next week, but I just don't feel up to it. Oh well.

Anyway, time to go and figure out what to do the rest of the evening. Catch ya'll soon!


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