
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't play games

First and foremost, I need to get this off my chest. Most of you know that I am a very friendly person, and if you get to know me well, most people usually trust me with a lot of information and seek advice. And you know what? That's fine. I love helping people, and it makes me feel good to be trusted enough with issues/dilemmas, regardless of how big or small they are.

But there is one thing I will NOT put up with: someone continuously coming to me for advice, agreeing with whatever it is I say or suggest, then going out and not only disregarding anything I say, but going out and repeating the SAME mistakes over again! This hasn't happened just once or twice, or with just one or two people.

You know, I can understand disagreeing with what I suggest now and then - but TELL me that you don't agree with it! That's fine! I don't expect each person to take my advice blindly. But when you agree with it repeatedly, and even do so much as to say to me that it is good advice and you will do it, and then to go and just make the same mistakes again and again, honestly, don't waste my time.

I have enough on my plate - like I said, I love helping people, but when you just take me for rides, I'm sorry, but I'm not about to play games. You want my advice? Either take it, or tell me you don't agree with it and it's an honest exchange of messages. Otherwise, just spare me the trouble and let me use the time to focus on things I need to do.

I have had it.


Blogger Char said...

I totally have an acquaintance (hard to say friend) that does that exact thing. I finally told her that since she didn't listen to me anyway... she could do whatever-the-hell she wanted because I never cared in the first place.. I was just trying to be nice and give her the advise she so candidly asked for.

15/11/05 5:49 PM  

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