
Friday, January 06, 2006

Quick rundown

All right, all right, I admit it. I temporarily forgot I owned a blog. *gasp* haha.

Well, nothing particularly interesting going on. It's been crazy busy over "break" (I can hardly call it one considering I have been nonstop on my toes). I had four veena concerts the last week of December. We also had several extended family from my dad's side come and stay with us for many, many days. Unfortunately, my older cousin forgot to teach her oldest son how to cover his mouth when he coughed up all his congestion. Oh and she also forgot to teach him not to rub his runny nose all over other people's blankets. So guess who is ridiculously sick right now with sore throat, cough, cold and just every other yucky thing? Yep. Me. Sorry, I'm very bitter. I love my nephews but my goodness, there comes a point where you draw the line between grossness and practical hygiene. That boy just crossed about 10 of those lines.

Ah well, enough of my bitterness. My concerts went well. It's nice that even though my formal lessons stopped the summer of 2002 after I graduated from high school before going to college, I have still been learning on my own, maintaining what I was taught, and continuing my performances. Wouldn't give it up for the world. I might be going for a couple of veena classes before heading back up to RPI in a couple weeks!!!! I can't wait, it's been a few years now since I've gone :)

So I think I'm going to stop using this stupid Toshiba laptop and switch to my brother's old laptop. He's now using my mom's other one, so I might use his until I graduate and then buy myself a new one. His Compaq works amazingly and it's about time I get rid of this Toshiba. A word of advice: NEVER purchase a Toshiba laptop. Not sure about other Toshiba appliances but my gosh, this laptop has given me more trouble in the 3.5 years I've owned it than anything else has ever given me! Three computer crashes, my screen loosening twice so that it doesn't stay up, several cracks on my screen, as well as a power cord which is loose and does not charge the battery properly - yeah. Not fun.

All right, I have to go help my mom get ready for tonight - we have a ton of people coming over for dinner (about 15) and we didn't even know until last night!

More from this gal later. 8-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I demand another post. This one is really really old!!

24/1/06 6:54 PM  

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