
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bush...enough said

I was, just as I do any other day, casually browsing the Internet... and look at the article that pops up:

The title: Bush keeps revising war justification

Surprised? Me? Not at all.

It's not enough already for him that his ratings are the lowest in the history of American presidents. As the article states, his initial reason for the war on Iraq was specific - to prevent Saddam Hussain from using WMD or from selling them to al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.

3.5 years later? No WMD or end to the war.

So then, Bush decides to claim the war is to prevent Iraq from falling into the power of another brutal ruler. Oh, how altruistic.

Then after that, the purpose of staying in Iraq was to fight terrorism, but not on home soil. America should be kept safe. Oh joy.

Now guess what it is? A struggle between good and evil. No comment.

All-in-all, I think I have a huge problem with why we went into Iraq in the first place. However, now that we're in, we have to come out successfully. Eh...don't get me started on Bush. I'll never stop.


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